
Web Grading (for "shared" courses only) 

WAOL uses the same programming as your college does to collect and distribute student grades in shared courses. Once you put student grades in the WAOL Web Grading Tool, WAOL can send the grades to the college where the student enrolled. It is important that you submit your grades by the deadline (the Monday after the last day of instruction) so that students get their grades in time to get their financial aid for the next quarter. 

Use your student roster in your instructor “MyWAOL” account to submit your grades for students enrolled in shared courses at the end of the quarter. Grades may be entered up until the due date, after which WAOL web grading will be turned off. You will need to follow and use the WAOL Grade Palette for submitting your grades. 

Since some colleges in our system use letter grades and some use decimal grades, the WAOL grading palette insures that the grades you assign to your students are translated in the same way no matter which at which college the student is enrolled. 

If you miss the deadline, or if you have a grade change, please contact Brook Bane. bbane@sbctc.edu or Monique Kovalenko, mkovalenko@sbctc.edu 

Note: Submit all grades for private courses through your instructor briefcase at your hiring college at the end of the quarter since we do not have the option for instructors to submit those through WAOL.

Monday - Friday, 8am - 5 pm (Pacific Standard Time)

Toll Free: 1-888-580-9011  Spokane Area: 1-509-434-5155   |   E-mail: elearning@sbctc.edu