Learn to Learn Online
Academic Skills
     Module Six - Page 6 of 16

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Academic Skills

Tips Everyone
Should Know




Citing Online

Online Teaming



Researching Topics

Learning today through online courses involves knowing how to search for sources on the Internet.

In this module, you will

  • Practice searching for topics on the Web

To become familiar with surfing (moving through the Internet) for information,
try the following exercise.

Working at a computer for any length of time causes hardships to the body. Extended use of the computer can cause permanent damage to the body's muscles and nerves through repetitive motion. These ailments would include carpal tunnel and other lesser-known injuries.

  1. Get online through your Internet Service Provider

  2. Type in the Web address of one of the following search engines:

  3. Type in your key word(s) in the search box, and push "Go" or return. Allow the search engine to work for a while to gather your information. (In this case, your search word is "ergonomic.")

  4. Surf through a number of sites. Answer the following question:

    • What do you need to make your work habits and work site safer?

  5. Use the "back" navigation button to return to the course.

To learn more about online searching techniques, click on the Learn More button.

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